New report out today: Electricity Demand Growth and Data Centers: A Guide for the Perplexed

We've converted to use Ghost, an open source blogging/newsletter software

Our new report on digital twins for data center operations, out today!

Our new article in Joule titled "To better understand AI’s growing energy use, analysts need a data revolution" was published online at Joule today

KQED Forum today about our digital carbon footprint

If you think new electricity load growth is a crisis, think again

Our Nature commentary on AI scenarios, out today

I appeared on the Shift Key Podcast on April 3, 2024, talking about electricity used by AI and ICT, with a focus on load forecasts

An updated vignette of technology change for lighting

The 8th annual roundup episode of Chris Nelder's Energy Transition show

Our commentary titled “Abandon the idea of an ‘optimal economic path’ for climate policy” came out on July 2nd, 2023 in WIRES Climate Change

I participated in a symposium on Technology and Global Change at Oxford last week

We talked with Allyson Klein at Tech Arena for her June 23rd podcast about our book, Solving Climate Change

Questions that came up at our webinar about our book, Solving Climate Change: A Guide for Learners and Leaders

Our latest book, Solving Climate Change, freely downloadable through May 21, 2023

My talk at the Salinas, CA Rotary Club on Feb 9, 2023, focused on misconceptions about information technology energy and environmental impacts

Our commentary on the need for targeted programs affecting networked standby power for information technology

Our latest book, out today: Solving Climate Change: A Guide for Learners and Leaders

Our latest article on scenario decomposition tools was published in September 2022

My visit to Bletchley Park and The UK Computing History Museum in November 2017

Our new article published today in Joule: “Does not compute: Avoiding pitfalls in assessing the Internet's energy and carbon impacts”

I gave a virtual keynote today for the iTherm 2021 technical conference, focusing on misconceptions about electricity use and emissions associated with computing

I gave a virtual talk today for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the World Energy Council on the role of  ICT in the energy transition

An Update On Trends In US Primary Energy, Electricity, And Inflation-Adjusted GDP Through 2019

A fun science project: A simple cloud chamber!

An old (2012) story with lessons that are still important today

Our article on changes in data center electricity use from 2010 to 2018, out in Science Magazine today

Our analysis of supercomputer efficiency over time

Go ahead and watch a movie on Netflix!

I discovered a hidden gem in Palo Alto today

Dashboards of key drivers for the recently released IEA Sustainable Development Scenario (SDS)

Our summary of the driving forces behind the 2017 IEA “Beyond 2 degrees” (B2DS) scenario

A look at historical global trends in energy and emissions

A quick investigation of solar PV projections in the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook

The importance of standardized utility rate data for energy innovation

A vignette of technology change for lighting

My annual appearance on the Energy Transition Show podcast was just posted

A wonderful summary of the climate problem

My new report: Estimating Bitcoin Electricity Use: A Beginner’s Guide

An Update On Trends In US Primary Energy, Electricity, And Inflation-Adjusted GDP Through 2018

Review of Turning Numbers into Knowledge from the Midwest Book Review

Talking Sense About Bitcoin Electricity Use

Our analysis of the electricity intensity of networks came out in printed form in August 2018, now with a full reference

Google’s new white paper on clean energy for their data centers

Our article in Science on carbon intensity of oil production, out today!

Awards, Awards, Awards!

Turning Numbers into Knowledge:  Mastering the Art of Problem Solving is a Double Award Winner in the 2018 Global eBook awards!

A chronology of climate denial going back decades

Gas lighting, from a century ago

My talk on climate solutions at Foothill College

Turning Numbers into Knowledge:  Mastering the Art of Problem Solving is a Silver Medal Winner in the 2018 eLit eBook awards!

Turning Numbers into Knowledge is a double winner in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, with double honorable mentions in the Hoffer Book Awards!

Updated list of articles on Bitcoin electricity use and related topics

A partial list of articles on Bitcoin electricity use

A quote about climate change that says it all

Right-Sizing Data Center Capital for Cloud Migration

Turning Numbers into Knowledge, now out in its 3rd Edition!

My interview on Chris Nelder’s Energy Transition show

Our analysis of the electricity intensity of networks was published last month (Aug 2017)

Our newest work on comatose/zombie servers, out this week

Is natural gas the main driver of declines in coal generation in the US?

This 1991 Shell documentary on climate still holds up well

In Memoriam:  Arthur H. Rosenfeld, Eminent physicist, inspirational researcher, energy efficiency maven

New study from LBNL on NREL analyzing costs and benefits of renewable portfolio standards

Our new report for the Risky Business project, “From Risk to Return”, out today!

Our latest on energy efficiency of computing over time, now out in Electronic Design

My review of Mann and Toles, The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial is Threatening our Planet, Destroying our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy

Our new Oil Climate Index 2.0 is live!

My online class, Modernizing Enterprise Data Centers for Fun and Profit, starts again next Monday (September 26th)

New online class:  Data center essentials for executives–a beginner’s guide

Why “deep dive” journalism is in rapid decline

Facts and Fiction in Energy Transitions – podcast posted today!

2015 State of the Climate:  Hot, Hot, Hot!

Surprise!: US data center electricity use has been growing slowly for years

Is stabilizing the climate impossible?

My webinar for DOE + EPA today: Why we can’t accurately forecast the future

A very old phone, at the Point Sur lighthouse in California. Photo taken in late March 2016. We've come a long way!

My article in DCD Focus:  Modernizing enterprise data centers for fun and profit

Our journal article critiquing a recent Energy Policy article on nuclear costs has just been released online

Upcoming class: Modernizing enterprise data centers for fun and profit

More excuses from the Breakthrough Institute on data quality

VLab at SRI is having an interesting panel discussion on Smart Buildings and Data-Driven Office Space on February 16, 2016

The three pillars of modern data center operations

Upcoming class: Modernizing enterprise data centers for fun and profit

A Brief Review Of “Dire Predictions”, 2nd Edition, By Mann And Kump

A reply to key comments on our rebound article and blog post

Everyone makes mistakes on the rebound

Our article on electricity demand and GDP is now out in the Electricity Journal, and is free to download until Jan 3, 2016!

Prepare for new Scope 2 emissions reporting requirements with this upcoming free webinar

Calling clean energy innovators (especially rock star women entrepreneurs): Cyclotron Road cohort applications are now open

A highly political example of lying with charts

Upcoming class: Modernizing enterprise data centers for fun and profit

Attack of the zombie servers!

My article in DCD Focus this month:  Modernizing enterprise data centers for fun and profit

Upcoming class: Modernizing enterprise data centers for fun and profit

My colleagues and I just did an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit, focusing on our Oil Climate Index

A useful infographic for our Oil Climate Index

Our latest research on comatose servers

Carnegie’s Oil-Climate Index web tool is now live

The feasibility of meeting the 2 C warming limit

NY Times on smart homes

“The stone age didn’t end because we ran out of stones, and the oil age won’t end because we run out of oil”

New Nature Climate Change article on recent progress in electric vehicle batteries

Our article, “Efficiency's brief reprieve:  Moore's Law slowdown hits performance more than energy efficiency”, is in IEEE Spectrum this month

MIT short course on “Sustainability:  Principles and Practice” is being offered July 27-31, 2015

A wonderful speech that calls out the incongruity of the oil industry’s position on climate

Energy efficiency is disrupting the traditional electric utility business model in the US

John Holdren’s keynote talk on climate change at the Carnegie Endowment,  March 10, 2015

Carnegie’s Oil Climate Index, unveiled yesterday in DC

The Tech Nation Interview on my book Cold Cash, Cool Climate from 2012

Online class, starting September 14th, 2015: Management essentials for transforming enterprise IT

Climate academic probed by Congress falsely charges colleagues with Conflict of Interest

Our new oil-climate index will be released in Washington, DC on March 11, 2015

New data on ocean warming: it keeps getting hotter

Big (but not surprising) news: 2014 was the hottest year on record, according to NASA and NOAA

My oped, out this week: "On climate we're in a hole. Let's stop digging"

The Case for the 2 C Warming Limit

Google ditches ALEC, finally. Facebook, Yahoo, and Yelp follow suit

Our new article analyzing downloading console games versus shipping them on discs

One key issue missing from a recent Dot Earth blog post on the carbon commitment from electricity investments

Upcoming class: Data center essentials for executives

A short discussion of academic integrity and what it means

My podcast interview with Tom Bowman titled "How Can We Accelerate Carbon Reductions?"

A closer look at funding for Bjorn Lomborg

Risky Business: Documenting the economic risks associated with climate change

National Geographic changes its arctic maps because the arctic ice cover has melted so much in recent decades

An excellent news feed site for climate issues

Ten commandments of logic, worth consulting and following when engaged in arguments of any kind.

Game changing innovation in a Silicon Valley garage. Who would have thunk it?

Why the coal industry should hope that it's efficiency and renewables that displace coal-fired generation

If you think the climate hasn't warmed since 1998, think again

A review of Cold Cash, Cool Climate by Leslie Field in the new journal Energy Research & Social Science

Climate change as an adaptive challenge

More on graphene from Bloomberg and Mac Rumors

A comprehensive summary of key issues related to the Keystone XL pipeline

The US National Climate Assessment, just released

Big news: Stanford to divest from coal mining companies

What has become of business journalism?

An excellent discussion of externalities associated with rail transport of oil

Is it really all about framing?

Carbon is a wondrous thing, especially in the form of graphene

Chris Calwell's experience driving from Colorado to California in his Model S electric vehicle

A wonderful quote from Elon Musk about integrated whole systems design

Clean Tech Open events in the East Bay

Three Mile Island 35th Anniversary Symposium: The Past, Present, and Future of Nuclear Energy

I'm appearing on a panel Thursday evening April 3rd, 2014 on the Commonwealth Club's Climate One program: "Nuclear power: Meltdown or revival?"

An invitation: I'm headlining at a Clean Tech Open event on Clean Energy and Climate in San Francisco on Wednesday evening, April 2nd, 2014

My interview today on Bloomberg West about making data centers more efficient

CO2 Scorecard analyzes coal exports

Transport constraints and Keystone XL: New Calculations from Max Auffhammer at UC Berkeley

This is a huge deal: Exxon agrees to evaluate the "stranded asset" risk associated with climate action

Yale Environment 360 on energy harvesting

My new blog post on the Corporate Eco Forum site: "Bringing Enterprise Computing into the 21st Century: A Management and Sustainability Challenge"

My talk on energy and the information economy at the Physics of Sustainable Energy conference on March 8th, 2014

My keynote interview with Joel Makower of GreenBiz from the Fall 2013 VERGE conference in San Francisco

More on journalism in a scientific age

WNYC Radio show New Tech City asks whether we should delete more of our digital history

Separating Fact From Fiction: A Challenge For The Media

Our panel at the Open Compute Summit: Bringing integrated design, mass production and learning by doing to the data center industry

Another example of why strong environmental regulations are needed

The new omnibus spending agreement has at least three provisions that are bad for the climate

Moving beyond benefit-cost analysis of climate change

Cold Cash, Cool Climate a finalist in the 2013 USA Best Book Awards

Our journal article titled "Smart Everything" is now available for download

The value of one watt of savings from more efficient IT equipment in a data center

Our study of eBay's organizational transformation, just released

Ken Brill: September 6, 1944–July 30, 2013

John Thornell's eulogy for Ken Brill

Martin McCarthy's Eulogy for Ken Brill

My eulogy for Ken Brill

Homily by Reverend Boggs at Ken Brill's funeral

Ken Brill's statement of principles, describing the core values he encouraged his employees to embrace

Interesting tidbit on the airplane fuel needed to deliver iPhones from the factory in China

Why structured data is powerful and important

Climate is no game, and it is never over

Just because we've always done it that way doesn't mean we always need to

How a brilliant entrepreneurial innovator thinks about climate solutions

Kudos to for making Kindle recycling simple

The electricity used by iPhones and refrigerators, take two

Story on NPR's Marketplace about the fridge vs. iPhone comparison

Wild claims about electricity used by computers that just won't die (but should)

An open letter to Google about their fundraiser for Senator James Inhofe

Apple patent points to the future of power management for mobile computing devices

An outstanding gadget for anyone who wants to learn about temperature and heat flow

Our article in Nature Climate Change just came out: Characteristics of Low Carbon Data Centres

Barack Obama, Climate Hawk!

The back story about “The Fatal Flaw in the Case for Keystone”

The Fatal Flaw in the Case for Keystone

My talk at Google's "How Green is the Internet?" summit last week

Some welcome recognition for Cold Cash, Cool Climate

IDC predicts that shipments of tablet computers will surpass laptops in 2013

Was Three Mile Island the main driver of US nuclear power's decline?

An outstanding speech on climate by Al Gore at the Stephen Schneider memorial

I've posted powerpoint slides with graphics from "If we don't change our direction we'll end up where we're headed"

Breakthrough in small batteries!

Europeans fail to correct the error of too many emissions allowances

Streamlining permitting for new photovoltaic installations can have big effects on costs

If we don't change our direction, we'll end up where we're headed

Disappointing article in Science about "greening" the Internet

Book review of Cold Cash, Cool Climate on Skeptical Science

Just because we've always done it that way doesn't mean we still should...

Black carbon: a short-lived warming agent with big effects

The danger of disembodied "facts"

The National Center for Science Education highlights the book Cold Cash, Cool Climate

An effective graph summarizing the climate conundrum

More on causality and the national debt

Energy harvesting in the news

A real-world example of how wrong "likely voter" screens can be

My ARM Tech Con keynote ("Why ultra-low power computing will change everything") is now posted

If political polls are driving you crazy, read this

Why we need to stop coal exports and keep coal in the ground

US coal in decline: New Brattle Group report on coal-fired power plant retirements

My Authors@Google talk on computing trends, now posted

I'm on KCRW today, talking about the NYT story and its implications

Giga Om on the NYT data center articles

The NYT article on Power, Pollution, and the Internet: My initial comments

New review of "Cold Cash, Cool Climate"

A 2002 talk on climate change by the late Stephen H. Schneider, now posted online

Is cheap natural gas really the cause of record low US carbon emissions?

Short piece from Congressional Budget Office documenting causes for the increase in the deficit over the past 11 years

Make your data tell a story!

My TechNation interview about Cold Cash, Cool Climate with Moira Gunn on June 26, 2012, now posted

Another source of observational data on the effects of recent warming

Why climate change causes BIG increases in extreme weather

Check out the Accidental Analyst!

Marty Hoffert hits the climate nail on the head

Two new interviews about entrepreneurs and the climate problem

Indirect greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation technologies

Another subsidy for coal: Washington Post today on flawed coal auctions in the Powder River basin

GigaOm today released their list of "10 innovators changing the game for Internet infrastructure"

What is intellectual honesty and why is it important?

Our work on long-term trends in the efficiency of computing made InfoWorld's "Green 15" list

A brilliant short summary of the problems with popular media: Balance, controversy, and replication

Piss-poor prior planning about sea level rise (repost of funny op-ed within)

My visit to Makani Power, May 4, 2012

We're still on track for 2 doublings of greenhouse gas concentrations by 2100

People believe weird things: Case in point, Federal spending and taxes in the Obama years

My first post on CSRwire introducing Cold Cash, Cool Climate is now up

Review of Cold Cash, Cool Climate by Rick Piltz of Climate Science Watch

Yet another example of corporations putting profits ahead of the public interest

"The end of fish" is one more reason to believe humans are powerful enough to affect the planet

A brief synopsis of Cold Cash, Cool Climate on CSR Wire, with more to come

Subtleties in comparing fossil fuel reserves to CO2 concentrations

An interesting example of innovative low-power sensing technology

A review of why new coal plant construction has slowed to a crawl in the US

Comparing Hansen et al's 1981 projection of climate change with actual history

Why fossil fuel abundance is an illusion

Comment period for EPA greenhouse gas rules on new power plants opens--get your comments in!

"The computing trend that will change everything", in Technology Review online today

Video of my talk at the VERGE conference on "The computing trend that will change everything"

The key factors causing coal plant retirements

EPA to promulgate greenhouse gas emissions standards for power plants!

A brilliant graph summarizing the communications quandary about climate change

I need your help for a guerrilla campaign to get Cold Cash, Cool Climate on the New Earth Archive book list for 2012

Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) just posted a short summary of Cold Cash, Cool Climate

Can entrepreneurs save the climate?

My podcast interview with Allyson Klein of Intel about Cold Cash, Cool Climate

Why Entrepreneurs Offer the Best Hope as Climate Heroes

My latest book, Cold Cash, Cool Climate, comes out TODAY! Here's a summary of the argument

Property rights and the climate

The central problem of governance

What kind of government do we want?

Climate scientists and money

Finally, someone in the mainstream media applies sensible analysis to claims about who created the national debt

Why "drain America first" is not a jobs policy

Scientists slowly adopting new web tools to promote rapid innovation

The false tradeoff between economy and environment

My post giving "Four reasons why cloud computing is efficient" was #3 on the GigaOM list of top ten green stories of 2011

Brilliant 1 minute video explaining the difference between weather and climate

Interesting use of video games for educating the public about climate science

Steve Lohr's NY Times blog highlighted our work on trends in computing efficiency today

My talk at Stanford on long-term trends in the efficiency of computing

EPA announces mercury rules for power plants!

More on efficiency trends in computing, from my forthcoming book

NYT today explores the implications of efficiency improvements in computing, even though the article doesn't mention computing efficiency once!

An example of increasing returns to scale in photovoltaic adoption

NY article yesterday on the deluge of data from DNA sequencing

A new radio interview on trends in the energy efficiency of computing

My interview on Colorado Public Radio about data centers just aired

Technology Review reported today on our computing efficiency trends analysis

My podcast interview with Allyson Klein of Intel about data center electricity use

Google's announcements this week on efficiency, electricity use, and carbon emissions

NYT op-ed linking saving money to adopting cloud computing

CBS news study on the national debt shows appalling innumeracy

Statistical Abstract of the US on the chopping block!

Personal experience with LED downlights in our new house

My new study of data center electricity use in 2010

Four reasons why cloud computing is more efficient

NYT blog post on experts and the climate change consensus

World bank database is a treasure trove for ecological entrepreneurs

The paper boom in shale gas: Why it shows the need for a functioning government

Interesting NYT article on the "safety myth" promoted by Japan's nuclear industry

Was the Three Mile Island accident in 1979 the main cause of US nuclear power's woes?

Al Gore's article in Rolling Stone today ("Climate of Denial") hits the nail on the head

You've heard of paper airplanes. How about paperless airplanes?

Wonderful EE Times cover story on computing efficiency trends and their implications

Target in Emeryville, CA has LED lighting with motion controls in food display cases today on data center cooling

An interesting new technology trend: Internet in a suitcase!

An important recent development in institutional design and corporate governance

More thoughts on window-integrated PVs

Bill Nye's Climate Lab at the Chabot Space and Science Center

Andrew Fanara, Larry Vertal, and me at the Uptime Symposium yesterday

Exciting news from Intel today on power efficient 3D transistors

Some thoughts on window-integrated photovoltaics

The importance of Facebook releasing technical details on their data center designs

Last coal plant in the US Pacific Northwest to be shut by 2025

Separating facts from values

Some progress on the rebound effect dialogue

Update on the email dialogue about the rebound effect

I was just chosen as a Google Science Communications Fellow

Two excellent posts on the rebound effect by James Barrett on

A fascinating encounter with advocates of large rebound effects

Video of my talk at Microsoft, Dec 2, 2010: "Why we can expect ever more amazing mobile computing devices in the years ahead"

More on the rebound effect--almost made it into the New Yorker!

Some links on information technology, resource use, and environmental impacts

Rebound effect, back in the news

Welcome to the newly updated!

Why California's Proposition 23 should go up in smoke

Debunking the myth of the Internet as energy hog, again: How information technology is good for climate

The importance of the 2 degree C warming limit

Blog Archive

Koomey researches, writes, and lectures about climate solutions, critical thinking skills, and the environmental effects of information technology.

Partial Client List

  • AMD
  • Dupont
  • eBay
  • Global Business Network
  • Hewlett Packard
  • IBM
  • Intel
  • Microsoft
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Rocky Mountain Institute
  • Samsung
  • Sony
  • Sun Microsystems
  • The Uptime Institute