Selected Research
Climate Solutions
Inside the Black Box: Understanding Key Drivers of Global Emission Scenarios
Jonathan Koomey, Zachary Schmidt, Holmes Hummel and John Weyant
Environmental Modeling and Software, 2018
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Global carbon intensity of crude oil production
Mohammad S. Masnadi et al.
Science, 2018
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Climate-wise choices in a world of oil abundance
Brandt, Adam R., Mohammad S. Masnadi, G. Englander Jacob, Jonathan Koomey and
Deborah Gordon
Environmental Research Letters, 2018
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From risk to return: Investing in a clean energy economy
Tim Duane, Jonathan Koomey, Kathy Belyeu and Karl Hausker
Risky Business, 2016
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Getting smart about oil in a warming world
Koomey, Jonathan, Deborah Gordon, Adam Brandt, and Joule Bergeson.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2016
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Climate Change as an Adaptive Challenge
Jonathan Koomey
White paper for Knovel, a division of Elsevier, 2014
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Defining a Standard Metric for Electricity Savings
Jonathan Koomey, Hashem Akbari, Carl Blumstein et al.
Environmental Research Letters, 2010
Why 2 Degrees Really Matters.
Jonathan Koomey and Florentin Krause
Climate Progress, 2009
Book Review of Stephen J. DeCanio's Book 'Economic Models of Climate Change: A Critique'
Jonathan Koomey
Ecological Economics, 2005
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A Sensitivity Analysis of the Clean Energy Future Study's Economic and Carbon Savings Results
Etan Gumerman, Jonathan G. Koomey, and Marilyn A. Brown
Energy Policy, 2001
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Addressing Energy-Related Challenges for the U.S. Buildings Sector: Results from the Clean Energy Futures Study
Jonathan G. Koomey, Carrie A. Webber, Celina S. Atkinson, and Andrew
Energy Policy, 2001
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Cutting Carbon Emissions While Making Money: Climate Saving Energy Strategies for the European Union
Florentin Krause, Jonathan Koomey, and David Olivier
Energy Policy, 1999
Critical Thinking
Separating Fact From Fiction: A Challenge For The Media
Jonathan Koomey
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 2014
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Sorry, Wrong Number: Separating Fact from Fiction in the Information Age
Jonathan Koomey
IEEE Spectrum, 2003
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Sorry, wrong number: The Use and Misuse of Numerical Facts in Analysis and Media Reporting of Energy Issues
Jonathan Koomey, Chris Calwell, Skip Laitner et al
Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 2002
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Data Centers
United States Data Center Energy Usage Report
Arman Shehabi et al.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2016
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Characteristics of Low-Carbon Data Centers
Eric Masanet, Arman Shehabi, and Jonathan Koomey
Nature Climate Change, 2013
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eBay: A Case Study of Organizational Change Underlying Technical Infrastructure Optimization
Nicole Schuetz, Anna Kovaleva, and Jonathan Koomey
Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance, Stanford
University, 2013
The Economics of Green DRAM in Servers
Jonathan G. Koomey
Analytics Press, 2012
Growth in Data Center Electricity Use 2005 to 2010
Jonathan G. Koomey
Analytics Press, 2011
Assessing Trends Over Time in Performance, Costs, and Energy Use for Servers
Jonathan G. Koomey, Christian Belady, Michael Patterson et al.
Analytics Press, 2009
The Science of Measurement: Improving Data Center Performance with Continuous Monitoring and Measurement of Site Infrastructure
John Stanley and Jonathan Koomey
Analytics Press, 2009
Worldwide Electricity Used in Data Centers
Jonathan Koomey
Environmental Research Letters, 2008
Estimating Total Power Consumption by Servers in the U.S. and the World
Jonathan Koomey
Analytics Press, 2007
A Simple Model for Determining True Total Cost of Ownership for Data Centers
Jonathan Koomey, Kenneth G. Brill, W. Pitt Turner et al
The Uptime Institute, 2007
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Estimating Regional Power Consumption by Servers: A Technical Note
Jonathan Koomey
Analytics Press, 2007
Forecasting Methodology
Moving Beyond Benefit-Cost Analysis of Climate Change
Jonathan Koomey
Environmental Research Letters, 2013
Is Accurate Forecasting of Economic Systems Possible?
Irene Scher and Jonathan G. Koomey
Climatic Change, 2010
Using Energy Scenarios to Explore Alternative Energy Pathways in California.
Rebecca Ghanadan and Jonathan Koomey
Energy Policy, 2005
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Improving Long-range Energy Modeling: A Plea for Historical Retrospectives.
Jonathan G. Koomey, Paul Craig, Ashok Gadgil et al
The Energy Journal, 2003
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From My Perspective: Avoiding "The Big Mistake" in Forecasting Technology Adoption.
Jonathan Koomey
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2002
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What Can History Teach Us?: A Retrospective Analysis of Long-term Energy Forecasts for the U.S.
Paul Craig, Ashok Gadgil, and Jonathan Koomey
Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 2002
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Energy Analysis And Market Assessment
A reply to 'Historical construction costs of global nuclear power reactors'
Jonathan Koomey, Nathan E. Hultman and Arnulf Grübler
Energy Policy, 2016
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A critique of Saunders' ‘Historical evidence for energy efficiency rebound in 30 US sectors'
Danny Cullenward and Jonathan G. Koomey
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2016
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Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth: A New Relationship with Significant Consequences?
Richard F. Hirsh and Jonathan G. Koomey
The Electricity Journal,, 2015
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Three Mile Island: The Driver of US Nuclear Power's Decline?
Nathan E. Hultman and Jonathan G. Koomey
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,, 2013
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A Reactor-level Analysis of Busbar Costs for U.S. Nuclear Plants, 1970-2005
Jonathan G. Koomey and Nathan E. Hultman
Energy Policy, 2007
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Energy-Efficient Lighting: Market Data, Market Imperfections, and Policy Success
Jonathan G. Koomey, Alan H. Sanstad, and Leslie J. Shown
Contemporary Economic Policy, 1996
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Improving Fuel Economy: A Case Study of the 1992 Honda Civic Hatchbacks
Jonathan G. Koomey, Deborah E. Schechter, and Deborah Gordon
Transportation Research Record, 1993
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Conservation Screening Curves to Compare Efficiency Investments to Power Plants
Jonathan G. Koomey, Arthur H. Rosenfeld, and Ashok K. Gadgil
Energy Policy, 1990
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Information Technology and Resource Use
Electricity Intensity of Internet Data Transmission: Untangling the Estimates
Joshua Aslan, Kieren Mayers, Jonathan G Koomey, and Chris France
The Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2018
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Energy efficiency of computing: What's next?
Jonathan Koomey and Samuel Naffziger
Electronic Design, 2016
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A primer on the energy efficiency of computing
Jonathan Koomey
Physics of Sustainable Energy III: Using Energy Efficiently and Producing it
Renewably (Proceedings from a Conference Held March 8-9, 2014 in Berkeley,
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The Carbon Footprint of Games Distribution
Kieren Mayers, Jonathan Koomey, Rebecca Hall, Maria Bauer, Chris France, and
Amanda Webb
Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2014
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Estimating the Energy Use of High-Definition Games Consoles
Amanda Webb, Kieren Mayers, Chris France, and Jonathan Koomey
Energy Policy, 2013
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Smart Everything: Will Intelligent Systems Reduce Resource Use?
Jonathan G. Koomey, H. Scott Matthews, and Eric Williams
The Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 2013
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Implications of Historical Trends in the Electrical Efficiency of Computing
Jonathan G. Koomey, Stephen Berard, Marla Sanchez et al
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 2011
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The Energy and Climate Change Impacts of Different Music Delivery Methods.
Christopher Weber, Jonathan G. Koomey, and Scott Matthews
Analytics Press, 2009
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Network Electricity Use Associated with Wireless Personal Digital Assistants
Jonathan Koomey, Huimin Chong, Woonsien Loh et al
The ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 2004
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Koomey has published on many different topics, ranging from climate solutions to forecasting methods, from engineering-economics to fixing the spam problem.
On this page you'll find some of Koomey's most important and influential reports, broken down into six major categories. Those that are downloadable include a link. For others, you should email Jon to receive a PDF of the article.
Koomey’s recent research is summarized in the narrative below, which includes references:
Research Narrative.pdf
Koomey's CV includes the full list of his publications:
Koomey CV.pdf