Koomey's books
Solving Climate Change:
A Guide for Learners and Leaders
This book is a truly comprehensive guide to solving the climate problem. It presents eight pillars of climate action, five technical pillars (electrify everything, decarbonize electricity, non-fossil GHGs, efficiency and optimization, carbon removal) and three institutional pillars (align incentives, mobilize money, elevate truth). It is the most downloaded of all the books published by the Institute of Physics in 2022.
Jonathan Koomey, Ian Monroe. April 13, 2023.
Turning Numbers into Knowledge:
Mastering the Art of Problem Solving
Turning Numbers into Knowledge is an award-winning beginner’s guide to the art of using numbers for practical problem solving, revealing tools, tricks, and heretofore unwritten rules that the best real-world problem solvers know by heart. More than 34,000 copies of the 1st and 2nd editions are now in print in English, Chinese, and Italian.
Jonathan Koomey. October 1, 2017 (3rd edition).
Cold Cash, Cool Climate: Science-Based Advice for Ecological Entrepreneurs
Cold Cash, Cool Climate distills Koomey's 25+ years of experience in analyzing climate solutions, summarizing his best judgments about finding entrepreneurial opportunities for those who have real money on the line.
Jonathan Koomey. February 15, 2012.
Winning the Oil Endgame: Innovation for Profits, Jobs, and Security
Winning the Oil Endgame analyzes potentials for reducing and eventually eliminating U.S. dependence on oil, focusing on a business-led strategy that promotes both adoption of existing technologies and development of new ones.
Amory B. Lovins, E. Kyle Datta, Odd-Even Bustnes, Jonathan Koomey, and Nathan J. Glasgow. 2004.
Negawatt Power: The Cost and Potential of Low-Carbon Resource Options in Western Europe
Negawatt Power summarizes electricity efficiency potentials in Europe, explicitly accounting for stock turnover, technology change, learning rates, implementation costs, and alternative assumptions about implementation success.
Florentin Krause, David Olivier, and Jonathan Koomey. 1995.
Renewable Power: The Cost and Potential of Low-Carbon Resource Options in Western Europe
Renewable Power presents a detailed country-by-country analysis of the potential for renewable power generation technologies in Europe, explicitly accounting for backup costs, learning effects, and credits related to siting, avoided T&D costs, and other benefits of distributed generation technologies.
Florentin Krause, Jonathan Koomey, and David Olivier. 1995.
Nuclear Power: The Cost and Potential of Low-Carbon Resource Options in Western Europe
Nuclear Power presents a detailed engineering economic analysis of the costs of nuclear power in Europe, drawing on historical experience throughout the world, focusing in particular on France, the UK, and the US.
Florentin Krause, Jonathan Koomey, David Olivier, Pierre Radanne, and Mycle Schneider. 1994.
Fossil Generation: The Cost and Potential of Low-Carbon Resource Options in Western Europe
Fossil Generation presents detailed engineering economic analysis of fossil generation technologies, developing a detailed methodology for calculating costs and net emission reductions for combined heat and power technologies and a methodology for incorporating system integration costs and other technology issues into a conventional busbar cost analysis framework.
Florentin Krause, Jonathan Koomey, Hans Becht, David Olivier, Giuseppe Onufrio, and Pierre Radanne. 1994.
Cutting Carbon Emissions–Burden or Benefit?: The Economics of Energy-Tax and Non-Price Policies
Cutting Carbon Emissions: Burden or Benefit? investigates the economics of carbon reduction policies, exploring both top-down and bottom up modeling, concluding that both approaches ignore the complexities of real markets and thus understate potential negative net cost carbon reductions.
Florentin Krause, Eric Haites, Richard Howarth, and Jonathan Koomey. 1993.
From Warming Fate to Warming Limit: Benchmarks to a Global Climate Convention
From Warming Fate to Warming Limit was the first comprehensive evaluation of the implications of a 2 degree warming limit, the temperature target subsequently accepted by the G8 nations in 2009. It was republished in 1992 by Wiley and Sons under the title "Energy Policy in the Greenhouse".
Florentin Krause, Wilfred Bach, and Jonathan Koomey. 1989.
The following two reports are related to the Energy Policy in the Greenhouse book series.
Cutting Carbon Emissions While Making Money: Climate Saving Energy Strategies for the European Union
Cutting Carbon Emissions While Making Money summarizes the results of our study of potentials and costs for European carbon reductions, demonstrating that significant carbon reductions are possible at negative net costs.
Florentin Krause, Jonathan Koomey, and David Olivier. 2000.
Low Carbon Comfort: The Costs and Potentials of Energy Efficiency in EU Buildings
Low Carbon Comfort summarizes our detailed study of carbon reductions in space heating in Europe. It is exemplary for its detailed engineering approach and its inclusion of combined heat and power technologies in the cost analysis.
Florentin Krause and Jonathan Koomey. 1998.

Koomey’s most recent coauthored book, Solving Climate Change: A Guide for Learners and Leaders, is a comprehensive guide to climate solutions.