Some links on information technology, resource use, and environmental impacts

I chatted with a reporter a few days ago about the electricity used by data centers. This happens every month or two—somebody comes to me with concern about the power used by computers and other information technology (IT) equipment and I talk them through the history of this topic. It’s a complex area, but the bottom line is that most folks seem to overestimate how much power computers use and underestimate how much environmental (and other) good they do.

I’ve collected some of the recent links to writing on this topic below. Please submit suggestions in the comments section for other references to include.

I boiled down some of the history/context of this issue in a blog post on Climate Progress on June 21, 2010.

This commentary is one that Evan Mills (of LBNL) and I posted on February 2, 2009 when some spurious claims on the electricity needed for a Google search were making the rounds.  Joe Romm also summarized this controversy in a post on Climate Progress on January 12, 2009.

This blog post on Climate Progress summarizes articles on the environmental impacts of IT that appeared in a freely accessible recent issue of the Journal of Industrial Ecology.

If you’re interested in the controversy circa 2000 about total power used by computers and IT equipment, email me for copies of the Epilogue to the 2nd edition of Turning Numbers into Knowledge, “Network electricity use associated with wireless personal digital assistants,”  and “Sorry, Wrong Number:  The use and misuse of numerical facts in analysis and media reporting of energy issues”.  You can also look at this link for more details.

Rebound effect, back in the news

An article in the New Yorker raises, yet again, the question of whether energy efficiency actually saves energy or promotes more consumption.  This issue comes up periodically, but proponents of this idea never seem to be able to prove their case, and there’s a reason for that:  it doesn’t make sense.  David Goldstein of NRDC has a cogent refutation of the errors of logic in the New Yorker article here.

Here’s my letter to the New Yorker, just submitted this morning.

To the Editor:

David Owen’s article “The Efficiency Dilemma”, in the New Yorker (Dec. 20/27, 2010) conflates two distinct effects:  the rebound effect (people who buy a more efficient device use it more and so “take back” some of the energy savings because it’s cheaper to operate that device) and the wealth effect (society gets richer so consumers buy more goods and services).

Measurements of the true rebound effect almost universally show that the effect is either zero (for devices like cable boxes, where user behavior doesn’t affect energy consumption much) or small (like for automobiles).  So proponents have focused more recently on the macroeconomic effects related to wealth.  They have argued that energy efficiency alone has caused  folks to buy bigger homes, more appliances, and more household goods, but there’s no convincing evidence for that hypothesis.  Instead, it's technology improvements, productivity gains, market structure changes, and general wealth increases that are the major contributors to the overall rise in consumption.

By all means let’s properly account for the rebound effect when it exists, but let’s not perpetuate the myth that increasing energy efficiency leads to more energy consumption than otherwise. That’s just wrong, and the data prove it.

Jonathan Koomey, Ph.D.
Consulting Professor, Stanford University

More on this issue as it develops.

Welcome to the newly updated!

For many years I’ve maintained a simple biographical web page, and that one served me well, but I realized in 2010 that it was time to create something more modern.  This new site is the result.  There are still a few quirks to be worked out, but we’re almost there.

I will mainly be posting on climate solutions, information technology and resource use, and critical thinking skills, but there will be the occasional post on other issues in which I maintain an interest.  I won’t be posting personal experiences except insofar as they contribute to describing substantive points in my issue areas.

Thanks for visiting.  Please let me know what needs fixing and we’ll get right to it!


Why California's Proposition 23 should go up in smoke

This post appeared on Climate Progress on Oct. 27, 2010.

This short essay describes why I think California’s Prop. 23 should be voted down. Taking action on climate is the best way to ensure that California continues to develop the industries of the future.  We need to stay ahead of the curve if we’re to maintain our competitiveness with China and other emerging nations.

Debunking the myth of the Internet as energy hog, again: How information technology is good for climate

This blog post appeared first on Climate Progress on June 21, 2010, but I’m reposting it so I have the text on my site.  For the Climate Progress version, which contains useful commentary and additional links from Joe Romm, go here.

Debunking the myth of the Internet as energy hog

For some reason, the power used by computers is a source of endless fascination to the public.  Most folks think that the power used by computers is a lot more than it actually is, and that it’s growing at incredible rates.  Neither one of these beliefs is true, but they reflect a stubborn sense that the economic importance of IT somehow must translate into a large amount of electricity use.  That incorrect belief masks an important truth:  Information technology has beneficial environmental effects that vastly outweigh the direct environmental impact of the electricity that it consumes.

Back in 1999, a cleverly written article was published in Forbes magazine, claiming that the Internet used 8% of all US electricity, that all computers (including the Internet) used 13% of US electricity, and that this total would grow to half of all electricity use in ten to twenty years. Most major U.S. newspapers and business magazines, many respected institutions, and politicians of both political parties cited these assertions (the first one even came up in Doonesbury at about the same time).  Alas, most people took leave of their critical faculties when evaluating them.

Joe Romm, Amory Lovins, and I spent a few person years of effort between us demonstrating in the scientific literature that these assertions were all false (for a compilation of that work, go here).  The Internet, as defined by the Forbesauthors, used less than 1% of US electricity in 2000, all computers used about 3%, and there is no way, short of repealing the laws of arithmetic, for the total to grow to half of all electricity use in one to two decades (see the Epilogue inKoomey 2008 for a summary).  Joe also showed that the high-level statistics on growth in energy, electricity, and carbon emissions in the Internet era all showed exactly the opposite of what the above claims would imply:  the growth rates were significantly lower in the Internet era (1996 to 2000) than in the preceding four year period, even though GDP growth was higher in the latter period.

Unfortunately, variations of these myths persist to this day. In early 2009, thenormally reliable Sunday Times of London reported that generating the electricity needed for a Google search emitted half as much carbon as did boiling a cup of tea, but this claim proved to be spurious (see Mills and Koomey 2009). As recently as April 12, 2010, Energy Tribune published an op-ed by Robert Bryce repeating the falsehoods in the Forbes article and confusing several important issues on this topic. And the ongoing concern over total electricity used by data centers continues to generate news coverage (for example, see this article in the Guardian), even though these facilities use only about 1% of world electricity use and their efficiency is improving rapidly over time.

In my view, the really important story is that while computers use electricity, they are not a huge contributor to total electricity consumption, and while it’s a good idea to make computers energy efficient, it’s even more important to focus on the capabilities information technology (IT) enables for the broader society.  Computers use a few percent of all electricity, but they can help us to use the other 95+% of electricity (not to mention natural gas and oil) a whole lot more efficiently.

As an example of this latter point, consider downloading music versus buying it on a CD.  A study that is now “in press” at the peer-reviewed Journal of Industrial Ecology showed that the worst case for downloads and the best case for physical CDs resulted in 40% lower emissions of greenhouse gases for downloads when you factor in all parts of the product lifecycle (Weber et al. 2009). When comparing the best case for downloads to the best case for physical CDs, the emissions reductions are 80%.  Other studies have found similar results (see Turk et al. 2003, Sivaraman et al. 2007, Gard and Keoleian 2002, and Zurkirch and Reichart 2000).  In general, moving bits is environmentally preferable to moving atoms, and whether it’s dematerialization (replacing materials with information) or reduced transportation (from not having to move materials or people, because of electronic data transfers or telepresence) IT is a game changer.

Another area where IT can help us is in getting smarter and more capable, so we can use our resources more efficiently.  This could take the form of better sensors and controls in buildings and industry, like the wireless sensor networks that can be quickly and cheaply distributed in existing structures without wiring.  Or it could involve more widespread use of software to make better energy-related decisions, such as Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Home Energy Saver or the private sector tool called Wattbot, both of which I’ve worked on over the years. Or it could involve computer controls in automobile engines, which reduce criteria pollutant emissions and improve fuel economy at the same time. Or it might mean smart meters that track electricity use minute by minute.  Or it might involve the various companies that scan utility bills for big corporations and “roll up” those bills into analysis software that gives companies visibility into their actual energy costs (see, for example, AdvantageIQ).  All of these examples and more are enabled by cheap, abundant, and powerful information technology

And there is good reason to believe that trends in information technology are going to make these positive developments even more pervasive and important.  We’re all familiar with Moore’s law, which describes the rate of change in transistors per chip over time (doubling every year from the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s, and doubling every two years since the mid-1970s), with correspondingly rapid reductions in costs per transistor.  However, few people are aware that there’s a similarly regular trend on the electrical efficiency of computers that has persisted for two decades longer than Moore’s law, and applies to all electronic information technology, not just microprocessors.  The electrical efficiency of computation, defined as the number of computations we can do per kilowatt-hour consumed, has doubled roughly every year and a half since the mid 1940s (see Koomey et al. 2009, below).

This trend has important implications for mobile computing technologies because these devices are constrained by battery storage.  The power needed to perform a task requiring a fixed number of computations will fall by half every 1.5 years, enabling mobile devices performing such tasks to become smaller and less power consuming, and making many more mobile computing applications feasible.  Alternatively, the performance of mobile devices could continue to double every 1.5 years while maintaining the same battery life (assuming battery capacity doesn’t improve). Some applications (like laptop computers) will likely tend towards the latter scenario, while others (like mobile sensors) will take advantage of increased efficiency to become less power hungry and more ubiquitous.

IT is one technology that should give us hope about meeting an aggressive warming limit of 2 degrees C (or less) from preindustrial times.  Never before has society had to confront a challenge like this, but never before have we had such a powerful technology moving so rapidly in the right direction.  And if we combine ubiquitous mobile computing with rapid advances in solar photovoltaic technologies (like in the Big Belly trash compactor, for example), the possibilities for truly game changing societal innovation are breathtaking

Of course, this story is as much about personal and institutional change as it is about technology, and without a focus on the human and organizational evolution  (as well as a stiff price on carbon) we’ll continue on our currently unsustainable path.  But one important piece of facing the climate challenge is falling rapidly into place:  Information technology allows us to dematerialize, reduce transportation emissions, and get smarter faster.  There’s no time to waste in putting it to work.

The importance of the 2 degree C warming limit

This is a repost of a little essay by me and Florentin Krause that came out on Climate Progress on Dec. 6, 2009.

The linked blog post summarizes why the 2 degree C temperature limit is so critical to understanding solutions to the climate change problem.  Florentin and I were two of the three coauthors on the first comprehensive analysis of the implications of a 2 degree C warming limit back in 1989, two decades before the G8 nations accepted this normative target.  The 1989 book (subsequently republished as Energy Policy in the Greenhouse by Wiley in 1992) can be accessed online at the URL below:

Krause, Florentin, Wilfred Bach, and Jon Koomey. 1989. From Warming Fate to Warming Limit:  Benchmarks to a Global Climate Convention. El Cerrito, CA: International Project for Sustainable Energy Paths. <>

Blog Archive

Koomey researches, writes, and lectures about climate solutions, critical thinking skills, and the environmental effects of information technology.

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