A closer look at funding for Bjorn Lomborg
Graham Readfearn over at Desmogblog.com has done the most detailed exposition to date of the various ways that one of the most famous “luke warmists”, Bjorn Lomborg, gets his money (read more about the luke warmists). Students of misinformation know well that Lomborg is a prolific producer of half truths and cherry picked conclusions. Unfortunately, the media lap it up.
Here are a few key paragraphs from the Desmogblog article:
The impression back in 2012 might have been that Lomborg’s think tank was struggling for cash, but a DeSmogBlog investigation suggests the opposite.
The nonprofit Copenhagen Consensus Center (CCC) has spent almost $1 million on public relations since registering in the US in 2008. More than $4 million in grants and donations have flooded in since 2008, three quarters of which came in 2011 and 2012.
In one year alone, the Copenhagen Consensus Center paid Lomborg $775,000.
It’s important to follow the money, as Readfearn has done, to determine who’s supporting the most prominent skeptics. Almost always the trail leads back to the status quo interests who want to keep earning profits from fossil fuel infrastructure as long as they can.
Addendum, June 26, 2014: Joe Romm at Climate Progress has gone into more detail about funding for Lomborg, indicating that some of the usual status quo suspects are behind these developments.