Our latest book, Solving Climate Change, freely downloadable through May 21, 2023
Solving Climate Change: A Guide for Learners and Leaders, was released in late December 2022. The publisher, IOP, recently made if freely downloadable through May 21, 2023, so get it while it’s still free!
Download it here:
The main website for the book is here:
Our live webinar was 10 May 2023 as posted on Physics World, but you can use the same link to view the recorded version.
The 1st chapter will always be a free download, even after May 21st: https://iopscience.iop.org/book/mono/978-0-7503-4032-8/chapter/bk978-0-7503-4032-8ch1
After May 21st, instructors can request an examination copy from IOP publishing: shorturl.at/qrLM0
If you have ideas for people/institutions who should review the book, please let me know.