Our new Oil Climate Index 2.0 is live!
We just expanded and updated the Oil-Climate Index (OCI) from the first version that we released in 2015.
Project collaborators at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Stanford University, and the University of Calgary have now collected enough open-source data to model the climate impacts of 75 global oils—25 percent of current production. Our results can be found on the new OCI 2.0 web tool at OCI.CarnegieEndowment.org. The OCI’s new look and functionality include a global oil map, oil field boundaries, flaring data, carbon tax calculator, in-depth comparison tools, information on related oils, and more.
This release features a new OCI publication, “Getting Smart About Oil in a Warming World.” And you can view demonstration videos that pose critical questions about oil-climate responsibilities and strategies. Stay tuned for a forthcoming report that highlights promising supply chain innovations in the oil sector. These and all related publications, events, and media are (or will be, for future pubs) archived on Carnegie’s OCI webpage.
We look forward to introducing the OCI 2.0 and its many energy and climate applications to you.
Koomey, Jonathan, Deborah Gordon, Adam Brandt, and Joule Bergeson. 2016. Getting smart about oil in a warming world. Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. October 5. [http://carnegieendowment.org/2016/10/04/getting-smart-about-oil-in-warming-world-pub-64784]