Review of Cold Cash, Cool Climate by Rick Piltz of Climate Science Watch
Rick Piltz of Climate Science Watch today posted a review of Cold Cash, Cool Climate. Here’s his top line summary:
Jonathan Koomey’s new book, Cold Cash, Cool Climate: Science-Based Advice for Ecological Entrepreneurs, offers a concise, compelling analysis of why innovative entrepreneurial approaches are needed in order to limit global climate change, and to improve the quality of life while doing so. Koomey’s analysis has more integrity than those who promote energy alternatives while evading the daunting constraints that follow from climate science, and opens into a creative and integrative way of thinking about paths forward. Highly recommended.
Rick has asked me four follow-on questions that I’ll address in some upcoming blog posts, so stay tuned.
Update: On Tuesday, May 22, 2012, Joe Romm reposted the review on Climate Progress.